Monday, August 6, 2012

Field Experiment #9

Leslie's Results
This week I used my Field Notes as a spot to think. I had to block out some of the info with post it notes because the info is not ready to be released into the world yet. I've got some stuff planned, it should be fun. I also took a nice long hot bath on a cold day here, it was great and totally relaxing. I highly recommend a long hot bath for thinking purposes. I sketched a tube of scrub.

Jane's Results

 When I look at my Field notes I notice that while I have developed a regular habit of drawing, I've gotten into a rut of where I draw. Once again I am drawing a park bench in the park at lunchtime.

But I've also been incorporating ideas and other notes as well. This was a simple idea I had about organizing at work. So simple once I wrote it down but it has made a huge difference already.

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